The Somethings, once thought only to exist in a mythological realm, is a magical species of gnomes led by a tribe of identical golden gnomes called the Genesis. In order to ensure the prosperity of The Somethings, the Genesis tribe is tasked to explore new lands, to find ancient artifacts, to harvest magic orbs, to create new communities and ensure the prosperity of The Somethings.

In recent months, they have been spotted on the Floating Islands alongside the hummingbirds of Somewhere Nowhere. It is said they made their way into our realm through an ancient portal hidden above the clouds and have been living in secret collecting magical orbs (a precious and magical treasure growing inside our hanging gardens) in their Goblet of Orbs.

The owners at Somewhere Nowhere have successfully contacted the golden gnomes and struck an agreement to allow them to stay and mint their magical orbs, as long as they agree to elevate life and create immersive experiences for our fellow patrons.

When you mint a limited edition golden gnome from The Somethings Genesis NFT collection, it will grant you premier membership access and utility to SWNW Lab projects and Somewhere Nowhere NYC.

With The Somethings Collection, the founders of Somewhere Nowhere NYC and the creators of SWNW Lab invites you to join them as they embark on a journey to help innovate the hospitality and entertainment industry through the integration of Web3 blockchain technology.

Disclaimer: We reserve the rights to make minor changes to the utility, so that we are delivering the best experiences to our core community. Rest assured that all changes we make will be for the better. We will never go backwards… only forward progress.